MBF Bioscience is here to help

COVID-19 is dramatically changing the way we work. Our MBF Bioscience staff scientists are uniquely positioned to help you with the transition we are all experiencing. If being out of your lab has impacted your ability to perform your important research, we may be able to help.

Contract research services
MBF Bioscience Laboratories have extensive experience in contract research that ranges from small pilot studies to full-scale experimental analyses. We’ve been helping scientists and technicians collect data, interpret results, and prepare reports for over 15 years. MBF Bioscience has a team of scientists dedicated to contract research services.

Working with MBF Bioscience means that every aspect of your research project is advised by an experienced MBF staff scientist. Our team has been at the forefront of dozens of studies in brain, lung, and other biological tissues. We achieve accurate and timely results for laboratories by delivering the following services:

Microscopic Imaging
– Whole slide scanning (2D)
– 3D slide scanning
– 3D image stacks (including collecting systematic randomly sampled volumes for use with Stereo Investigator and unbiased stereology)
– Our imaging includes brightfield, multi-channel fluorescence, confocal fluorescence, and structured illumination (via Zeiss ApoTome) microscopy techniques

Image Analyses
– Stereology services for unbiased quantitative analyses
– Neuron reconstruction and analyses
– Vessel reconstruction and analyses
– Image volume generation from serial section image
– Morphometric analyses
– Brain-wide cellular population analyses with anatomic specificity

Grant writing assistance
If you are using your time to write new research grants, MBF staff scientists can help you with experimental design, methodologies, and data plans. Our experience writing high-scoring grants can translate to assisting you with yours. Please let us know if we can help you include any MBF products in your grant application.

Please feel free to contact us if we can help you during this unprecedented time. We are here to help you.

Click here to request more information


Jack R. Glaser
MBF Bioscience